Saturday, January 12, 2008

"Pick me!" by Olga Lovcus

Olga, the artist behind "Pick me." ended up doing two great projects. Here is her second project:

Olga was always dressed in very colorful and bright clothing in contrast to most of the people in St Pete who dress in dark, grey colors. Her project, like her bright clothing brings a fresh joy and smiles to often very serious and somber minded Russians.

"People are living their everyday life. They go to work, earn money, and spend them in supermarkets and shops. They buy things automatically. They keep their minds and faces self-possessed and serious. But when they notice smiling fruits and vegetables with different characters and souls on the supermarket shelves, they can realize that this fruits are even more alive than customers themselves. "Hi, guys! Pick us and smile!"

Olga Lovcus /

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